Code of behaviour of Deba

In a permanently changing world, there is one subject that remains unchanged: the unshakable behaviour of Deba to maintain the highest level of standard of company ethics and integrity.

Through its technologies Deba is bringing an important contribution to companies and communities. But not only what we are doing, but also the way we are doing it, determines our reputation versus our shareholders and is helping us to remain successful.

This reputation is absolutely worthy for Deba. Exactly like all our trumps, this one has also to be developed and protected. The Code of behaviour is in the central element in the way we are protecting and developing our reputation. It is based on our industrial principles of responsibility, respect and determination and describes how we have to behave. It does not concern our general attitude, but the way we are handling some situations for which our reaction could have important consequences for the reputation of Deba.

The Code of behaviour is going further than the respect of the legislation in the countries where we are handling. It shows how we engage ourselves on an ethical and honest way in each situation, while we indeed respect the human rights as individuals. We expect this from every collaborator of Deba, everywhere, at any time, but also from all our business relations. High standards in our relations are indeed the basements of a durable success.

We want to be recognized as a prominent leader in everything of what we are doing and we want that our shareholders are proud about their relations with Deba.

Sophie Vandoorne
Deba nv
Moorstraat 24
B-9850 Landegem

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The standards that contains this Code of behaviour, are forming the core of the culture and engagements that deba is going for.

A uniform observance of these standards inside Deba is essential, and every collaborator obliged himself to take these principals into consideration.

Therefore we are asking that everyone reports any possible transgression. This is possible by sending a mail to

Op Koers