“TO BE ON COURSE“ – 7 values
Deba is part of the Holding Het Veer. Every company of Het Veer is propagating 7 values headed under the label “TO BE ON COURSE“. These are values supported by every member of the holding. These are values that everyone is promoting in the relations with: customers, suppliers en between the members. As such, “TO BE ON COURSE” is part of the DNA of the holding.
Enterprising. Deba will, with no doubt, be enterprising. It means that we are investing in our employees, in technology and in innovation. But essentially: in the future. Deba is willing to pursue its growth and this can only be done with an enterprising spirit.
Professional. Being professional means: a proper handling, being correct. Deba is respecting its word and redeem the agreed promises. In all our contacts Deba is willing to excel in its professional behaviour.
Quality. We are carrying quality as a banner. The services and products are in the first place of quality. We are offering our customers a quality guaranty that they can really trust.
Distinguishing. The Deba companies are willing to make the difference. We are different. Not only in what we are doing, in our products and in our services. But also in how we are doing it. Our approach, our vision is otherwise and that makes our difference.
Enthusiasm. A smile, a positive attitude are the starting points of an enthusiastic behaviour. We are choosing to start from a positive spirit, with drive and energy in front.
Respectful. Deba is respecting every opinion and evry idea. We stay for an open culture. From the hand over and sharing of information until listening to each other and to different opinions.
Safety First. We are outspokenly choosing for secured products and a secured work environment. Security is for Deba an absolute core value: our products are saving human lives. Security is as such ankered in the DNA of our group.