Welcome to Deba, the specialist in medium voltage

Since 1979, Deba is specialized in installation, extension, adaptation, reconditioning and maintenance of indoor and outdoor medium voltage switchgear from 1 to 24 kV. We are an independent family company that in the last ten years became the Belgium market leader.

Today, Deba is part of the vertical integrated  group Het Veer a consequence of an uncompromising trend to quality and durability. When it became more difficult to find cubicles answering our strong quality requirements, we decided to manufacture them by ourselves. And in order to be able to maintain the quality of our end product, we also decide later to manufacture our switches and components. In the meantime these two activities growth up in independent sister companies, allowing Deba to concentrate all its efforts in the installation of medium voltage switchgears.

But, the point that connect all the components of the group together, is one same vision to quality, innovation and service.

Today, the group Deba is serving about the half of all Belgium enterprises, institutions and electricity distribution companies using medium voltage switchgear. We do it with care for the quality and environment. We are also promoting standardisation and modular construction that positively influence the cost price and the customer service.

Through the years, our production capacity was increasing and our attention for the research and development was growing. Since 2011, our sister companies SGC-SwitchGear Company and Mevoco are active in whole Europe. Today, they export to our direct neighbouring countries, they are granting licences to foreign colleagues and maintain efficient cooperation links. From Africa, Asia, South America into the Middle East due to a rich experience build up by Deba.


medium voltage cabines

Deba nv is certified with ISO 9001: 2015 quality label, issued by AIB-Vinçotte International.