About us
Deba specializes in the installation, expansion, modification, renovation and maintenance of medium voltage installations from 1 to 24 kV for indoor and outdoor installation. We are an independent family business that has become a market leader in Belgium over the past decades.
Deba goes back as far as 45 years. It is the first company founded by the group Het Veer. The group was created as a result of an uncompromising commitment to quality and sustainability. When it became increasingly difficult to find switchgear that met our strict quality standards, we started making them ourselves. And to be able to permanently guarantee the quality of our finished products, we later decided to manufacture switches and components ourselves. These two activities have since grown into independent subsidiaries, allowing Deba nv to concentrate entirely on the installation of medium-voltage cabins once again .
Today, Deba serves about half of all Belgian companies, institutions, DSOs in Belgium (Fluvius, Ores, Resa, Sibelga, REW and AIEG/AIESH) and governments working with medium voltage. We do this with care for quality and the environment. We also pursue standardization and modular product construction, which benefits both cost price and customer service.
Over the years, our production capacity grew and our focus on research and development kept increasing. Since 2011, our sister companies SGC – SwitchGear Company & Mevoco have been operating worldwide. Today they export to our immediate neighbors, license foreign colleagues and maintain efficient partnerships. From Africa, Asia, Australia, South America to the Middle East. Thanks to the rich experience accumulated by Deba.
3 Deba locations
Corporate values
Deba belongs to the holding company Het Veer. The group includes several companies and operates in 5 different sectors: medium voltage, concrete, metal, ERP software & Real Estate.
Deba is ondernemend. Dat betekent dat we investeren in onze medewerkers, technologie en innovatie. En vooral: in de toekomst. Deba wil blijven groeien en dat kan alleen door een ondernemende geest.
Professioneel zijn betekent correct handelen en betrouwbaar zijn. Bij Deba streven we er altijd naar om onze beloftes na te komen en in al onze interacties willen we uitblinken in deze professionele benadering.
Kwaliteit staat centraal in ons bedrijf. Onze diensten en producten zijn van topkwaliteit, en we bieden onze klanten een betrouwbare kwaliteitsgarantie.
Bij Deba maken we het onderscheid. We zijn uniek, en dat geldt niet alleen voor onze producten en diensten, maar ook voor onze benadering en perspectief. Het is juist deze unieke aanpak die het verschil maakt.
Een glimlach en een positieve houding vormen de basis van enthousiasme. We kiezen ervoor om te vertrekken vanuit dieĀ positieve spirit, met drive en energie voorop.
Bij Deba hebben we respect voor elk individu, elke mening en elk idee. We koesteren een open cultuur waarin informatie wordt gedeeld, naar elkaar wordt geluisterd en verschillende opvattingen welkom zijn.
Safety First
Bij Deba gaan we voor veilige producten en een veilige werkomgeving. Veiligheid is een fundamentele kernwaarde voor ons, omdat onze producten mensenlevens redden. Veiligheid is verweven in het DNA van onze groep.
Bliksemsnel inspelen op elke vraag van de klant, maar ook in alles wat we doen.
The Het Veer group is prominent in the medium voltage sector . It is the beating heart of the group, with five companies that have built a unique medium-voltage story. Not only in electricity, but also in metal, concrete, ERP and surface treatments, Het Veer has companies.
What connects our group? A similar vision of quality, innovation and service. All companies share the same values, the same vision and the same philosophy with our OP KOERS values.
Our mission is to provide day in and day out professional medium voltage and high voltage stationsspecialist for all your applications.
Active in these sectors
Construction Industry
Medium Voltage Competence Center
We created a Medium Voltage Competence Center to fully immerse tomorrow’s technicians, mechanics and installers in the world of medium voltage.
On the one hand, there is the museum where we exhibit an evolution of 75 years of medium voltage distribution in Belgium.
On the other hand, there is an extensive showroom where switching can be done on contemporary medium voltage boards. In addition to Belgian-made medium voltage boards and switches from SGC – SwitchGear Company and Mevoco, there is a wide range of boards and switches from competitors.
The benefit for our customers
Discover with us an all-in-one solution with extensive expertise, complete installation and careful maintenance, all under one reliable partner, specifically focused on medium voltage projects. Experience speed and flexibility in medium-voltage solutions with our company.
Our fast, adaptable approach is perfectly tailored to your specific requirements, making us effortlessly responsive to the dynamics of your projects for guaranteed success. Safety is at the heart of our medium-voltage business. We strive to provide a safe working environment and install products that meet the highest safety standards. Our commitment to safety makes us a reliable choice in the medium-voltage industry. KNOW-HOW
Our team
Join our team!
Meet our enthusiastic Sailors who are ready to answer all your questions!
We call our colleagues Sailors because we all share the vision of Sailing on blue Oceans and carry the values of the The Veer group.